Wednesday, 16 August 2017

The NEC’s New Channel: eTV

Back in April 2017 the NEC launched a brand new channel eTV delivering high-quality and informative content focused on elections and the political system in Korea. This dedicated channel is being shown on a number of major cable companies’ lists and is available 24 hours a day, including a wide variety of programs focused on elections and democracy in Korea. 

It is worth going back and looking at the evolution of broadcasts by the NEC. For the last few years NEC TV has been available on the NEC website, providing live online broadcasts of counting, various educational programs and coverage of NEC’s major events. For example, NEC TV covered our Seoul International Forum on Elections and Election Visitor Program held earlier this year. This has allowed the NEC to build its expertise and logistical resources over the past few years, producing high-quality output that informs voters and promotes elections and democracy in Korea. 

Now the NEC has taken this broadcasting capability one step further.  Since April 26 eTV has been available on Olleh TV (Channel 273), T-Broad TV (Channel 205) and on the eTV homepage ( 24-hours a day. This gives all voters easy access to all of eTV’s programs.

The NEC hosted an opening ceremony back in April which was attended by over 100 people including Secretary General Kim Dai-nyeon. In his opening address he said "eTV will be an important channel for communication and harmony between the NEC and the people, and this will be linked to the development of democracy in our country." Other attendees included the presenters that will be involved in eTV programs, other senior officials at the NEC and PR ambassadors for our Commission. 

The main programs that will be shown on eTV include live streaming of voting and counting on election days, eTV News, ‘Elections Met on a Walk’, ‘Politics Made Easy’ and ‘Are you Curious about Elections?’ There will also be special features about major events held by the NEC and about elections and democracy in the future to ensure what the NEC is doing for voters is fully transparent and to encourage people to participate in politics and elections. 

We look forward to eTV expanding and improving its programming over the years to come and we hope the public will show interest in the channel and its excellent programming! 

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